Error message when package repo is dirty
baggepinnen opened this issue · 2 comments
baggepinnen commented
Thanks for this awesome package! I just started using it and noticed that there is an error message when the repo to a package I'm trying to register is dirty. This is very welcome! However, the message says that the registry is dirty rather than the package I'm registering:
julia> register("ClampingID", "CbRegistry")
ERROR: Package directory is dirty. Stash or commit files.
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base ./error.jl:33
maybe the message could indicate if it's the package or the registry being dirty?
GunnarFarneback commented
I believe these lines do so:
Lines 156 to 165 in 26debaa
baggepinnen commented
Wow, I must have been very tired or something, even the message I reproduced in the issue says "package is dirty". I'm sorry for the noise 😕