
there is a error when I run Test_Patchs.m , How to solve this problem?

ACEaaaaa opened this issue · 3 comments

Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: utilities
In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In Test_Patches (line 2)
Error using dagnn.Layer/load (line 200)
No property ignoreAverage for a layer of type dagnn.Loss.
Error in dagnn.DagNN.loadobj (line 28)
block.load(struct(s.layers(l).block)) ;
Error in Test_Patches (line 22)
net = dagnn.DagNN.loadobj(net) ;

@ACEaaaaa, Hi, There are two things you need to confirm. (1) load model correctly. load('.\models\CBDNet.mat'); need to change to load('./models/CBDNet.mat'); for linux. (2) compile MatconvNet correctly. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact me.

@ACEaaaaa I think this is due to matconvnet's version. (You can check /matconvnet-1.0-betaxx/matlab/+dagnn/Loss.m, whether there is property of ignoreAverage = false --- For example, beta20 without this property)~

@ACEaaaaa, Hi, There are two things you need to confirm. (1) load model correctly. load('.\models\CBDNet.mat'); need to change to load('./models/CBDNet.mat'); for linux. (2) compile MatconvNet correctly. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact me.

My computer system is windows. When I run Test_Patchs in a linux environment. It can running successfully.