
06 | Cocos2D-JS | How to Move a Sprite on the Screen

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06 | How to Move a Sprite on the Screen


In the Game.layers.js
a) set the time of movement
b) set the horizontal distance of the movement
c) set the vertical distance of the movement
d) set the motion action

    Game.layers[1].extend = cc.Layer.extend({
        init: function () {      
            var game = this;
            Game.layers[1].start( game );  
    Game.layers[1].start = function( game ){
        var size = cc.director.getWinSize();
        var sprite = new cc.Sprite ( "HelloWorld.png" ) ; 
            x: size.width / 2, 
            y: size.height / 2,
            anchorX: 0.5,
            anchorY: 0.5, 
            time: 2,  //a
            moveX: 100, //b
            moveY: 150 //c
        sprite.runAction( new cc.MoveBy( sprite.time, cc.p( sprite.moveX, sprite.moveY ) ));   //d