
React Native implementation of the Giphy SDK for iOS and Android

Primary LanguageJavaScript


⚠️ Deprecation notice ⚠️

This repository has been deprecated in favor of the official https://github.com/Giphy/giphy-react-native-sdk and the @giphy/react-native-sdk npm package.

This module implements the iOS and Android SDKs from Giphy for a simple usage. No more fumbling around with the Giphy API!

Getting started

Install the package with:

npm install react-native-giphy-keyboard


yarn add react-native-giphy-keyboard


Add use_frameworks! to your Podfile under target 'PROJECT_NAME' do, then run pod install on your ios directory.

Note: for pure Objective-C projects, add an empty swift file to your project and choose Create the Bridging Header when prompted by Xcode. This allows static libraries to be linked.

Add your Giphy API key by adding this to your Info.plist:



Open your project build.gradle and add the following:

buildscript {
    ext {
        kotlin_version = "1.3.61"
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven {
        url "http://giphy.bintray.com/giphy-sdk"

Then go to your android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml and add the following key:

<string name="giphy_api_key" translatable="false">YOUR_API_KEY_HERE</string>

Verification Mode

When you're ready to get a production key from Giphy, enable verification mode by doing the following:


Add the following to your Info.plist and build the app.



Add the following to your android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml and build the app.

<bool name="giphy_verification_mode">true</bool>

Now follow the instructions on the Giphy Developers dashboard.


Remember to remove these when the verification is finished. You DON'T want this enabled when you ship to production.


Open Giphy

import * as GiphyKeyboard from 'react-native-giphy-keyboard';

  rendition: 'fixedWidth',
  fileType: 'gif',
  mediaTypes: ['gifs', 'stickers'],
  theme: 'dark',

Dismiss Giphy

import * as GiphyKeyboard from 'react-native-giphy-keyboard';



import * as GiphyKeyboard from 'react-native-giphy-keyboard';

useEffect(() => {
  const removeListener = GiphyKeyboard.addMediaSelectedListener(media => {
    const { url, aspectRatio } = media;

  return () => {
}, []);

Example project

Feel free to clone this repo and run the example/ project.

Run npm install or yarn install in the example/ directory.

Run pod install in the example/ios/ directory.

Build the app in XCode.