
Google shared drives

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello Gustavo and thank you for your amazing VS extension !


I would like to have access to a Shared Drive with your Extension. It would allow different persons of my teams to modify files and folders in the same place...


Maybe it could be interesting to add a command >Google Drive : Access to Google Drive Shared by id, which will require the id of the shared drive. Then it will display it on the outliner. What do you think ?

Best regards,

Hello @kekefreedog,

I am very happy that you like the extension!
I believe we could develop something a little bit different from the original suggestion, but would still meet your needs.

It would be great if we had a 'Starred' location inside the Google Drive view on VSCode.
As the name suggests, starred files and folders would appear here. You and your team could right-click the desired shared folder on Drive website and select 'Add to Starred'. This way, this folder would appear on the new Starred location on VSCode, as well as other personal folders that one has starred on his or her Drive and may even not be shared with others.

I collected this image from this link.

Does this suggestion make sense for you?

Best regards,
Gustavo Cassel

Hello @GustavoASC,

Nice, it's a perfect idea and a good compromise, it allows people to choose files they want to display inside Vscode via the Starred functionality.
I check inside Google Drive, when we update a file stared it update the file everywhere. But it will be a little tricky to have a Upload current file to Drive for a file inside starred folder, right ?

Thanks you for your answer,

Hi @kekefreedog,

I believe that Upload current file to Drive could show both folders located on the root and starred folders. Currently, this command only shows folders located on the root. With this improvement, it would show both folders on the root and folders that were previously starred.

Maybe we could render a line to separate folders located on the root, and starred folders, similar to what is shown on Command Palette. As long as this is supported on VSCode public API. But this last suggestion would just be a visual improvement and would not be a requirement... I am not sure whether we can add a separator line like this:


What do you think about this idea?