
CashTokens Airdrop Tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CashTokens Airdrop Tool

A handy Javascript program to airdrop fungible tokens to NFT holders!

What it is

A program to import a single-address wallet to airdrop fungible tokens to NFT holders. The tool uses mainnet-js and chaingraph to do the airdrop.


Be careful with any program asking you to fill in your seedphrase! Verify the source of the program and that is doing what it claims to be doing!


git clone git@github.com:mr-zwets/airdrop-tool.git
npm install

How to use it

Configure the wallet holding the tokens and the airdrop parameters in a .env file in the following way:

DERIVATIONPATH = "m/44'/145'/0'/0/0"

There is a boolean in the airdrop.js program to enable/disable airdrop to Tapswap addresses.

Finally, run the airdrop tool with

node airdrop.js