
Naming of RSS feed and autodetection by clients

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am using the miniflux RSS reader client.

When adding a feed it just asks for the base url - I give my mkdocs blog with this mkdocs-rss-plugin enabled.
It returns with an error message Unable to find any subscription..

If I supply the feed_rss_created.xml or feed_rss_updated.xml urls it works.

Is this a problem with miniflux or with mkdocs?

Looking at the code they have well known URLS as:

	knownURLs := map[string]string{
		"/atom.xml": "atom",
		"/feed.xml": "atom",
		"/feed/":    "atom",
		"/rss.xml":  "rss",
		"/rss/":     "rss",

Is there a way to ensure that mkdocs-rss-plugin exports the feed as expected above?

Guts commented

Hi @surfer190,

Thanks for your interest.

It's possible to reference the RSS feed through a HTML tag into the head. See:

It might be interesting to allow customizing the output name of feeds in mkdocs.yml.

Guts commented

Hello @surfer190 ,

Any something new here or can we close it?

@Guts You are welcome to close. With the referenced link the update can be achieved.

Explicit is better than implicit. Maybe defaulting the created_at feed to be named rss.xml and allowing customized output name of feeds via mkdocs.yml as you mentioned - makes life easier for users...