
Question regarding pubDate

Andre601 opened this issue · 0 comments

I have a question regarding the <pubDate> property of the different items created by this plugin.

As of right now do I override it by using the date metadata which results in dates such as Fri, 21 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0200 when I set date: 2023-07-21

The thing is, that I want to use this RSS feed together with Mastofeed to automatically publish posts on my Mastodon account whenever I create a new blog post.
What makes this a problem is the fact that, the <pubDate> and/or <lastBuildDate are never older than the <pubDate> of my latest post, since these dates also include a time (And also have a -0000 time shift), so my posts are always considered as "old" and not published on Mastodon.

I was now considering to just remove the Metadata from the RSS plugin options, so that it would default to... something.
When I understand it correctly, should this mean that it would pull the date of when the page has been created from Git Metadata for the create feed?

If so, do I need to look out for some common pitfalls (i.e. specific date patterns to set in the plugin settings), or should it work fine?

I'm just a bit worried, that the Mastodfeed site could go crazy, because I use a CI pipeline for automatic publishing and that one has shallow git fetching (--fetch-depth=1), so dates are messed up.
Tho, I did fix this now using git fetch --unshallow, but I still fear there might be issues?
If you can, I would appreciate if you take a look at this file to see if that should create proper feed_rss_created.xml files with the right creation (<pubDate>) dates...