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Passionate Full Stack Web Developer | MERN Stack | Masai School Graduate | Alphaware Next Technologies

Hi Hi, I’m Hemant Aher

Aspiring Full Stack Developer having hands-on experience in projects with cloning the websites using tech stacks HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Chakra UI, and other libraries and frameworks.




  • 🎓 Masai School Certified Full Stack Web Developer
  • 🚀 Actively Contributing to Alphaware Next Technologies
  • 💻 Proficient in HTML, CSS, JS, React, Node.js, MongoDB, and more
  • 📚 Continuous Learner | Committed to Enhancing Skills
  • 🌐 Seeking Opportunities to Drive Innovation and Excel in Web Development
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning My SQL
  • 💬 Ask me about React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS,React JS, Redux, Express JS, Node JS
  • 📄 Checkout my resume Resume
  • 🌎 How to reach me a.hemant96@gmail.com
  • 📁 Checkout my work Portfolio

Connect with me:

https://www.linkedin.com/in/hemant-aher-197814b7/ https://twitter.com/aherhemant1 http://h-unique245.github.io/ a.hemant96@gmail.com

Languages and Tools:

html5 css3 javascript reactjs redux chakra-ui restapi nodejs expressjs mongodb mongoose git git git git github npm postman

Github Stats :



