
Primary LanguageJavaScript

TIF Attendance Tracker API

This project is dependant on nodejs, npm and postgreSQL. Please install them before using this API.

Project Setup

  1. Download or clone the project.
  2. Now go to projects root folder, i.e.
    cd ~/tif-api
  3. Run the command below to setup environment and install project dependenies.
    npm install
  4. Add your postgres local password to the client object in connection.js. We use all the other localhost defaults.

Run the Server

  • Run below command to start the server
    npx nodemon app.js

Usage Instructions

  1. To setup a sample database, run the init.sql file in your local postgres shell with \i path_to_init.sql
  2. Get all employees by making a GET request to /employee.
  3. Get an employee by id making a GET request to /employee/:id.
  4. Add a new employee by making a POST request to /employee/:id with the following json format in the body.
    "first_name": "emp3fname",
    "last_name": "emp3lname",
    "mobile_no": "1234567890",
    "email_id": "emp3@gmail.com"
  5. Get attendance of all employees by making a GET request to /attendance.
  6. Get attendance of an employee by id by making a GET request to /attendance/:id.
  7. Add a new checkin entry for an employee by making a POST request to /attendance/:id.
  8. Add a new checkout entry of an employee by making a PATCH request to /attendance/:id.
  9. Delete an employee with id by making a DELETE request to /employee/:id.