
Issue in Smart Search Azure Index

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have taken this baseline code for starting development in K13. But after migrating all things except the "Install NuGet Packages" section. When I am configuring smart search using Azure. I am getting the below error.


For resolving the below error, I have removed the assembly reference from form controls. But I am not sure if it's related to the smart search issue. When I am installing NuGet Package "XperienceCommunity.PageCustomDataControlExtender" in my Kentico 13-->CMS project. it's giving an error which was working earlier.


Please help with this..


Per Kentico support, the Relationships Extended package also breaks the azure search task.

Firstly, the XperienceCommunity.PageCustomDataControlExtender shouldn't impact anything, all it does it extends controls to allow for NodeCustomData usage, i would reinstall it.

Did you make sure to update the nuget package for the Kentico.Xperience.Libraries to the hotfix of your solution? Various Kentico NuGet Packages need to reference the Kentico.Xperience.Libraries so they install that package, but they only install at the 'lowest' version the tool needs, you need to then update that package to the hotfix that matches your current hotfix.

That's probably your issue, is you installed on the Admin these tools but didn't update the Kentico.Xperience.Libraries package.