
The built hdfview.sh file references directories lib/app, lib/app/ext that weren't created by the build

Opened this issue · 2 comments

hdfview.sh contains this line:

"$JAVABIN/java" "$JAVAOPTS" -Djava.library.path="$INSTALLDIR/lib/app:$INSTALLDIR/lib/app/ext" -Dhdfview.root="$INSTALLDIR/lib/app" -cp "$INSTALLDIR/lib/app/*" hdf.view.HDFView "$@"

However, lib/app and lib/app/ext don't exit under the 'build' folder.

It doesn't appear to even reference the HDFView.jar file as it should.

Version: 3.3.2
Java 21
FreeBSD 14.1

Those reference the directory structure after install


Is it documented anywhere how to install HDFView using ANT?
build.xml doesn't contain the "install" target like GNU Makefiles normally do.