
This is a very basic PHP script that allows you to use your web server to store images that have been uploaded via the share X application.

Primary LanguagePHP

Custom-ShareX-uploader (SETUP)

As you will see below this is a very simple script to be setup and will only require around 3 minutes of time <3 Alt text

Install / setup (Web server files)

1. First step is to simply open Config.php with a text editor
2. Create a random string and write it down where it asks for "secretKey"
3. Add your domain / server IP where it asks (for example https://www.site.com/)
4. Once you have added the domain , now you need to add directory folder where images will be stored
5. When it comes to "ShareXheaderKey" this should also be random and written down
6. Finally editing the supported file extensions can be done (however this is not needed)

Setting up shareX config

1. Download the Config.sxcu file from the "Config" folder
2. Once downloaded you will want to open this with a notepad / text editor
3. Simply replace "RequestURL" with your website domain (for example https://www.site.com/)
4. Then add the secretKey value that you chose before in the Config.php file
5. Then you need to add the "ShareXheaderKey" this will also need to be the same one from Config.php
6. Then you just need to save the changes and double click the config and it will ask you to use that config


You will need to ensure the files have permission to write (777)
Some webservers will not allow large file uploads so it might cause error !


* Check file types (select allowed extensions)
* Easy configuration (just change tokens and edit text file)
* Upload custom files not just images !

Video example

Below is an example of me setting up the script onto my apache web server , as you can see it is very simple and requires
little to no effort at all.

