
Workshop Prep Task

Closed this issue · 6 comments

  • Check list of topics for sorting question of survey
  • Make slide for each OSP in the sorting list
  • Workshop webpage and slide of all our links and publications
  • Draft a script for the video tour of the template
  • Prompts for discussion of topics, all together for small attendance or in breakout groups facilitated by Joe, Peter, and Sarah
  • Finalize survey contact emails
  • Test functionality collecting email addresses and linking survey waves

@josephholler I'll get a draft of the intro and practice slides together on my flights tonight (Sunday).

@Peter-Kedron : working on your slides now. Please commit if there are any changes from today

@josephholler Just pushed a draft set of discussion questions oriented around and product gap and skills gap analysis. Slide are good

@Peter-Kedron -- I have copied content into 2nd version of the slides using template and included a slides for survey link and data visualization. I'm curious if that works for you without installing the web view powerpoint plugin?
Also check issue #2 : I think all evaluation data collection infrastructure on Qualtrics is ready to go now.

Thinking about sequence:

  • start with slide for survey (3min)
  • Peter's short introduction (5min)
    • leaves time for data to populate in survey and graph to render
    • While Peter is presenting, Joe will reorder the practices slides to match the graph
  • Conclude one slide show with the graph of practices, which is automatically ordered by number of responses "already using" (5min)
    • Discuss commonly-accepted practices quickly to emphasize the lesser-known ones
  • video presentation (10min)
  • discussion (15min)
