
Why always in initializing?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

tensorboard 2.10.1
tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1
tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.8.1
tensorflow 2.10.0
tensorflow-estimator 2.10.0
tensorflow-gpu 2.10.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.27.0

In JupyterLab from KubeFlow,When i open Tensorboard,it always in initializing

The most likely cause for this problem is that the backend of jupyterlab-tensorboard-pro has not been successfully installed
Or didn't find it in the KubeFlow environment. (Actually I didn't use it in KubeFlow before)

Some ideas:

  • try import jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro in jupyterlab terminal to check if it is found
  • use --debug to start jupyter, and search jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro in stdout to find some error message

I'll see if I can find a kubeflow environment to try this weekend

The most likely cause for this problem is that the backend of jupyterlab-tensorboard-pro has not been successfully installed Or didn't find it in the KubeFlow environment. (Actually I didn't use it in KubeFlow before)

Some ideas:

  • try import jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro in jupyterlab terminal to check if it is found
  • use --debug to start jupyter, and search jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro in stdout to find some error message

I'll see if I can find a kubeflow environment to try this weekend

Can u speak Chinese?
I can import jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro with no error,but i can't open jupyterlab tensorboard pro,and i think it is difficult for me to start jupyter again in the kubeflow.

如果你能看懂中文的话,我是在[](https://github.com/tencentmusic/cube-studio/) 这个平台下使用的tensorboard-pro,具体复现过程:
部署完这个平台后,在“在线开发”、“代码开发”的notebook模块下,新建了一个notebook,镜像选取的是“notebook:jupyter-ubuntu-cpu-base”,然后安装咱们的tensorboard pro,之后能看到tensorboard pro模块,但打不开

i see the log in Dashboard:
W 2022-10-11 17:42:47.343 ServerApp] 404 GET /notebook/jupyter/admin-eda9/api/tensorboard_pro?1665481364997 ( 2.30ms referer=http://tcloud.com/notebook/jupyter/admin-eda9/lab/tree/competition/Third


实际上,这类 jupyter 插件后端安装成功后,一般会有两个内容:

  1. 配置文件,在 etc/jupyter/jupyter_server_config.d/jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro.json,jupyter 后端会自动读取 etc/jupyter 这里的配置文件,来尝试加载插件,里面的内容:
  "ServerApp": {
    "jpserver_extensions": {
      "jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro": true
  1. python 包,路径在 lib/python3.8/site-packages/jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro

如果是我们自己 python 环境安装的话,这样就够了。


  1. 配置文件没有正确写入
  2. 不过更可能是你在 jupyterlab 启动之后安装的插件,这个时候其实已经晚了,看看能不能持久化之后重启一下。



实际上,这类 jupyter 插件后端安装成功后,一般会有两个内容:

  1. 配置文件,在 etc/jupyter/jupyter_server_config.d/jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro.json,jupyter 后端会自动读取 etc/jupyter 这里的配置文件,来尝试加载插件,里面的内容:
  "ServerApp": {
    "jpserver_extensions": {
      "jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro": true
  1. python 包,路径在 lib/python3.8/site-packages/jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro

如果是我们自己 python 环境安装的话,这样就够了。


  1. 配置文件没有正确写入
  2. 不过更可能是你在 jupyterlab 启动之后安装的插件,这个时候其实已经晚了,看看能不能持久化之后重启一下。



这个问题的平台我后续继续关注一下,然后现在既然正常使用了这个 issue 我就先关闭了

这个问题的平台我后续继续关注一下,然后现在既然正常使用了这个 issue 我就先关闭了
