Tech Debt - Content Changes to Agreement History

kimschulke opened this issue · 3 comments


  • Update the frontend to match some recent design changes from #2403
  • Improve consistency between wording/content on alerts, modals and review pages to align with agreement history (for example changing "edit to BL Amount in review" to "budget changes to amount in review" which will align with the "changes in review" alerts and "budget changes" review card, etc


  • Designers explore content options
  • Developers meet with designers to discuss new content (posted below)
  • Make any adjustments if needed
  • UX to update agreement history within context of figma workflows/wireframes (include all types of budget changes and status changes)
  • Developers to develop 😀

Additional Context

  • I think the only dynamic/back end change would be to recall who the original editor/submitter was on the approval log-item. For example "Director Dave approved the status change on BL 123456 from Planned to Executing Status as requested by Tia Brown. "


  • Figma!

Content changes to be discussed/developed

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 2 05 03 PM

additionally, in dev we have 2 alerts for updating the agreement and approving it, but from the UX perspective, this should be one alert. the change would be approved and the agreement updated in one alert, no need for 2.