
FDA for coarse-grained models

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I was wondering if it is possible to use FDA for a one-bead-per-amino-acid coarse-grained molecular dynamics model that runs on Gromacs. I have tried to run it but I get empty output files. In the model that I use, only residues are taken into account and the interactions are defined between residues, so I have no atomic information in the input files that I use for FDA.
Thanks in advance,

Hi Mohaddeseh,

thanks for your interesting question! Unfortunately, I have never tried to run coarse-grained molecular dynamics in GROMACS. Which force field you are using? Maybe Martini? I assume that GROMACS is not using the same path for the coarse-grain interactions as for the atomic ones. If you could send me a small example input, which I can easily run with GROMACS, I can take a look via debugging mode which path will be chosen and if there is any possibility to extract the force distributions via FDA.

Best regards,

Hi Bernd,

Thanks for your response and sorry for my delayed answer.
The force field is not Martini, it is a force field developed by our collaborator. Great, thanks for offering to run FDA with my input files. I will send them to you via email. Is that OK?


I would try to use atombased instead of residuebased FDA. When I understand your input files correctly, then each entry in conf.gro corresponds to an amino acid or to a group of atoms in general. Therefore, atoms are already residues in your case.

Wonderful idea! I tried it and it worked and I got results. Now I'm about to analyze the results. Thanks so much for your help. I'll let you know if I have any other issues.