
Static boost libraries are not available in fedora

BerndDoser opened this issue · 0 comments

I can reproduce the issue within a fedora docker container:

FROM fedora:31

LABEL maintainer="Bernd Doser <bernd.doser@h-its.org>"

RUN yum install -y cmake boost-devel wget make gcc-c++
RUN wget https://github.com/HITS-MBM/gromacs-fda/archive/v2019.3-fda2.9.1.tar.gz
RUN tar xvf v2019.3-fda2.9.1.tar.gz
RUN mkdir gromacs-fda-2019.3-fda2.9.1/build
WORKDIR gromacs-fda-2019.3-fda2.9.1/build

It looks like the FindBoost module of CMake is not working with the fedora boost installation. Library (/usr/lib64/libboost_graph.so) and header files (/usr/include/boost/graph) are available but not found by FindBoost.cmake.

Originally posted by @BerndDoser in #6 (comment)