
Implement CRUD for Induction Class as well as the UI for it

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Right now, there is no way for us to create, get and update Induction Class entities in the backend. We cannot not kick the can down the road anymore on this because we will need these functionalities in the future.

We need to implement in the backend:

  • Handler to create new induction class
  • Handler to update an existing induction class
  • Handler to get the current induction class
  • Handler to get an induction class by quarter
  • Handler to get multiple induction classes, possibly allowing for filtering.
  • And possibly more if we need more...

We need to (at least) implement in the frontend:

  • Induction class creation form, contained within a separate page
  • Induction class update form, contained within a separate page.
  • A page that has a table containing info about all induction classes, or multiple of them with fiiltering (stuff like name, quarter, start date, end date and interview start dates, but nothing else beyond that).
  • And possibly more if we need more...

This is a pretty big task so we can probably break this down later into multiple issues for multiple people to work on when we get to this, unless someone wants to solo grind it.