
CDA.xsl QRDA-III stylesheet needed in Microsoft 365 format

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Hello, is the CDA.xsl the QRDA- III stylesheet? How can we use it to view QRDA-III records if we're using Microsoft 365? We aren't able to download the CDA.xsl file and utilize it.

Thank you for this question. The CDA.xsl is a general purpose stylesheet that renders any CDA the same way. There are no specific things in the CDA.xsl that target QRDA-III. Are there any specific requirements in QRDA that the CDA.xsl could pick up? We may or may not be able to accommodate those. That would work best if QRDA specific enhancements do not affect renderings of other types of CDA. If you could submit the things you envision as a pull request (PR) this would be heaven.

If you are using Microsoft365 and are unable to download the CDA.xsl from where it is in GitHub, you might want to work with your sysadmins to get it to a place where it works and stays within your policies. Your sysadmins likely appreciate the documentation we have in the README that is displayed under the code.