
Sorting the artifacts summary

Opened this issue · 1 comments

mvdzel commented

Please sort the artifacts (createArtifactSumarry.xslt) by name (f:name/@value).
See also https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179252-IG-creation/topic/Order.20of.20artifacts.20in.20the.20index
I am stuck to the fhir.base template because it is a 'nl' realm IG.

Add <xsl:sort select="f:name/@value"> at line 65

Will add an IG parameter that allows asking for sort vs. not. Default will be for the artifacts to be sorted by title. If someone wants to retain the listed order, they can specify the grouping(s) they want to be unsorted, or '*' if they want nothing to be sorted.