
Sjekk no-basis R5 IG alpha versjon

thomiz opened this issue · 2 comments

thomiz commented

Da er det live en alpha versjon av R5 for no-basis. Det er sikkert mange feil og de fleste sidene fra SIMPLIFIER mangler selvfølgelig.

thomiz commented

Sjekk også bruk av plantuml, litt styggere diagrammer, men ellers bra.
Testside for dataypes

thomiz commented

How to maintain a no-base-R4 and R5 at the same time?


There will be overlap in the period where both R4 and R5 should be supported by the no-base profiling.

Both R4 and R5 should be able to maintain separate fixes changes

  • What happens to the canonical url, probably wise to make it point to the last published version (R5 version)
    • Alternative approach is to have fhir version in the canoincal (like the finnish base profiles)
  • There will be separate bugfixes to the R4 profiles that is not necessary for the R5 profiles because the code is different.
  • There should probably be two separate (one for each FHIR version) IG's to support separate FHIR version maintenance