Applying F.log_softmax on Generator otuput
Closed this issue · 2 comments
You have applied F.log_sofmax
on the output of projection layer in [line 232] (
Line 232 in 3c1fe4e
If we use nn.CrossEntropy
for the loss function, the result of F.log_softmax
enters in the loss function as in [line 333] (
Line 333 in 3c1fe4e
So basically the output of the projection layer goes through F.log_softmax
and then nn.CrossEntropy
However, if you look at here, simply applying nn.CrossEntropy
would automatically apply F.log_softmax
so I think you should exlude the line 232 and instead just return [line 218] (
Line 218 in 3c1fe4e
What do you think ?
indeed we use self.criterion = nn.NLLLoss(ignore_index=config.PAD_idx) instead of nn.CrossEntropy
you can also use logits + CrossEntropy