
Missioncontrol website doesn't work on Internet Explorer

Closed this issue · 5 comments

We are at the point we would like to share the link to mission control data with the team. However, if the users have Internet Explorer as their default browser, the link doesn't work. Is there a quick fix for this, or do we need to highlight the fact to open it in Chrome only?


@KatarinaWDC I am able to view MC on Internet Explorer:


Can you confirm that this is still an issue?

@KatarinaWDC I do have to concede that the best viewing experience is clearly on Chrome. It seems to be super slow in IE for some reason. Almost clunky. Some pages take much longer to load.

Yes, still an issue on my side. Clearing cache didn't work. I am using:

I seem to be on a newer version. Can you upgrade?


@KatarinaWDC OK I know what the issue was here. Because we run hub.hok.com as an intranet website, and it's using some outdated technology, IT forces Internet Explorer to run in Compatibility Mode which basically means that the Internet Explorer that you have installed says it's version 11 but in reality it runs version 5. That's really old and will not work well with MC.

I think IT does that because there are some legacy tools that we have on the HUB, like the ADT or Dealtek stuff that might be built on some old technology, and they need that to work. It makes sense for that, but it also means that they are limiting your regular browsing experience.

To fix that, you can do one of two things:

  • use Chrome which might be the best option here, since you will need IE for things like timesheets etc.
  • disable the compatibility mode in IE:



Now, when you disable that compatibility mode in IE, you should be able to view MC website, but the performance is still going to be an issue. IE and Chrome are quite different. I have noticed massive lag with IE, as well as some stuff doesn't always display properly ie. styles are different, charts are not rendering properly etc. So it will work, but there might be some glitches.