
double page number

JLuc opened this issue · 3 comments

JLuc commented

When importing a non-CTL 153 document , page number get displayed twice in a row.
Instead of 5 one sees 55

AMOF strangest is that in the SLA, there is

  <var name="pgno" CPARENT="Pagination"/>
  <var name="pgno" CPARENT="Pagination"/>

These double pgno were allready there in original file, but were not displayed, when they are with CTL.

So however the issue might be not in CTL but in non-CTL, CTL might smartly correct these double when importing ?

I could create a simple test document that reproduces the issue

  • with Version de Scribus 1.5.2.svn SVN : 21106 the double page number appears as single
  • with CTL Scribus Version 1.5.3.svn 17 November 2016, it appears as it should = double

See uploaded file (rename without .txt)

double page number.sla.txt

if CTL does the correct thing, this means that there is a bug in Scribus 1.5.2.svn and get fixed in CTL. The right thing to do is delete the second page number.

aoloe commented

older versions of scribus needed two # for page numbers between 10 and 99...

maybe this fact might help sorting the issue...

not a bug.