
fix Numbered list bugs

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Here is a list of bugs needs to be fixed to get numbered list works fine:

  • in some cases delete button doesn't delete numbered list.
  • add indentation option to intend the numbered list, this good for sub-levels.
  • make levels work in sane way
  • fix prefix & suffix specially in sublevels.
  • make levels's separator customizable
  • fix update numbered list styles.

@aoloe @ftake please mention here any bugs related to numbered list

aoloe commented

sadly, i don't use (yet) numbered lists...

in the layouts i do, i don't have many lists and when i have some i go for the old n-dash and tabulator way...

just one important (i think) note: the lists code has been written by cezary at a time he was not an experienced programmer.

i've used his code for the table of contents as an inspiration, but i had to basically rewrite everything, since his code was really hard to follow / maintain.

this code has made it into the trunk, so it's probably in a better shape, but i would suggest you not to hesitate rewriting parts of the code, if you think it helps avoiding bugs!

Dear @Fahad-Alsaidi, please look at my footnote mockup here: I suggest "Before" (Nothing, Tab) and "After" (Space, Tab, New Line) property for numbering to.