Ignored Makefiles are still there

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Maybe I'm getting confused...

These three files are present into the git tree:

  • src/arch/linux/modules/cross_state_manager/Makefile
  • src/arch/linux/modules/intercept/Makefile
  • src/arch/linux/modules/schedule-hook/Makefile

But they seems to be excluded in the .gitignore:


That's a feature, not a bug! 😄

Actually, .gitignore is excluding from the repository all Makefiles because they are autogenerated from autotools.

There is an important exception to this: Kernel modules Makefiles. These are exactly the three which you listed, and which have been force-addess (overriding .gitignore) to the repository as they are fundamental to the compiling process.

These are exactly the three which you listed, and which have been force-addess (overriding .gitignore) to the repository as they are fundamental to the compiling process.

Maybe I didn't get the point. If they are fundamental I suggest to track them otherwise future changes
to them will be out of the git history

As said in #71, they have been forced into version control, so they are tracked and git sees when you make changes to them.