
GoGoAnime url

Closed this issue · 14 comments

Which one is real?
It seems to be https://www20.gogoanimes.tv/

I think this is the real one. I will do some styling and update the app later.

Ahh, my ISP blocked this site... That's why I was so confused. I will try and update the UI a little bit.

can i change default domain?

When version are you using? For the lastest one, you cannot because it will always be up to date. Is there any reason why you want to change the default domain? I can add it back.

so what version that i can change the domain?i want to change domain because i want to see anime with sub indonesia,could i have the source project that i can change the domain?

If you go to release and download version 1.1.0, you can go to settings and update the domain name. However, I don't know if it works with other sites. For version 1.2.0, it doesn't support it yet. If you want to get the source code, you can use the master or react-native branch. If you search for gogoanime, I think you can find the domain and change it.

so what version that i can change the domain?i want to change domain because i want to see anime with sub indonesia,could i have the source project that i can change the domain?

I have implemented this in the latest version. It will be possible to change the domain in the next update.

@alvis168 it will update soon.
If you want to scrape anime from website, you need to parse the html or use some kind of APIs. Always use API whenever possible but for this app, I simply parsed the html as a model and presented it with UI.
Can you send me the link of the site? This app only works for gogoanime website and it won't work for any other site.

** I am actually learning Indonesian at the moment. Still really beginner but at least I know menulis is write.

I have checked that website. It is possible to scrape it but I don't think I will write an app for it. However, you can use the source code of this app as a base and build an app on top of it. You need to update links and parsers to work with that website. It shouldn't be that difficult because they put links in the html. I had to use a little bit of their hidden API for this app.

Also, don't forget that the issue section should only be used to report issues relating to this app. This is always a bit off topic.

If you read my source code, you will see that I simply use a webview to play the video. It is not ideal and ideally, you want to get the video link from the website somehow. This is really off topic because this issue is about the domain for gogoanime so I will lock it now.