
Road to AnimeGo Re

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Complete rewrite in Flutter

The entire app will be rewritten in Flutter. The old implementation was too hard to update and maintain so I decided to rewrite it. This app was originally written back in 2017 as my first react native app. I haven't used it for a really long time because I found a better site but it doesn't have much great anime so I decided to use this app again. With the power of Flutter, I can port it to Mac OS and even Windows. However, the webview won't work so the experience wasn't as good as the mobile version.

UX experience

I am quite satisfied so far. The watching experience is great and no popups but still you can get some messages from the website. This is what I always wanted 2 years ago.

Logo update

The logo will have a deep orange colour to replace the old orange colour.

Tablet support

I will write an alternative interface for tablets or any devices with a large screen. Currently, I own two tablets and I use them quite a lot so it might be great to support tablets.


  • Use a list instead of hardcode for tablet home page (I don't know what I was thinking) maybe in 1.3
  • Android devices have the option to watch in other apps.
  • Custom domain
  • Recreate old UI
    • AnimeGrid (this is reused intensively for almost all screens)
    • AnimeCard (it renders the card for each entry and pushes to either episode or details)
    • Episode (one single page with many sources)
    • DetailedAnime (detailed info for that anime and renders all episodes)
    • Watch anime in-app with a webview which blocks all popups
  • Better navigation with a drawer (works great on all platforms)
  • Update domain automatically
  • Check for update automatically and manually (fortnightly)
  • Better tablet experience (it is already pretty great)
  • More animations wherever possible
  • Save watch history by combining BasicAnime and OneEpisodeInfo
  • Save favourite anime (at least the cover image only title and link)
  • press ESC to go back on desktop or web (wrap around some widget) deprecated
  • Only use gestures on iOS and improve the detection system (no need on Android) IOS has a built-in player so I put the app bar for it
  • Update bottom navigation bar colour according to the theme of android
  • Add a horizontal list in seasonal to check all older seasons (2020, 2019, now all the way till 2014 so 6 years)
  • Added pull to refresh
  • Option to hide dub and mark dub in the front
  • Option to change to dark mode manually maybe later
  • Show some texts to inform users whether an episode has been watched

I have used it quite a lot this season (summer 2020). Watch history and favourite anime are also added. I say it is close to an official release.

Finally, it is done. I will test it a bit more and release it later.