When I was training the scoring net, model/pose_coco/pose_dekr_hrnetw32_coco.pth in the command could not be found. It was a file, so I changed it to ‘output/coco_kpt/hrnet_dekr/w32_4x_reg03_bs10_512_adam_lr1e-3_coco_x140/final_state0.pth.tar’. is this command correct, because he reported an error that the picture size is inconsistent? I can't find how to change the picture size. Please help me solve it~

LiPan123456789 opened this issue · 4 comments

You should use batchsize=1 in the inference process.

The problem was solved successfully, but I want to know why.

The input size of each image during inference is different.

Thank you very much.