
Error in parsing Open-API documentation

vrutik2809 opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm submitting a

  • bug report.

Current Behaviour:

While executing openapi_parser.parse(doc: Dict[str, Any]) function, i'm getting an error as TypeError: HydraDoc.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'doc_name'.

Expected Behaviour:

The function should return Hydra API Doc.

Steps to reproduce:

  • pass the YAML Open-API document in the openapi_parser.parse(doc: Dict[str, Any]) function using yaml.full_load().

Do you want to work on this issue?


The development of the parser has been left behind as in the last years we focused on different objectives. The parser is still very important to the big picture but we didn't have enough development time to keep it up.

The error is clear, the instantiation of the HydraDoc class needs a parameter.

Ya, that I got it.
So, can I resolve this by opening a PR?

you don't need to ask, just open a PR in accordance to Github Workflow

While resolving the issue I am facing the following error: TypeError: HydraClass.__init__() got multiple values for argument 'path'.
Call trace: openapi_parser.parse -> get_paths -> check_for_ref -> get_class_details -> HydraClass