
Datatype argument for Doc writer.

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm submitting a

  • bug report.
  • feature request.

Current Behaviour:

We are using the keyword arguments to add range to supported property, which is fine. But users may not always use xsd:float/integer, while defiining properties.

Expected Behaviour:

It might be useful to have a separate datatype argument in docwriter while creating a new supportedProperty, which we map directly to xsd:float/integere instead of using the keyword arguments to specify the datatype.
We should give them an option define the datatype using python datatypes which we add to range as xsd:float/integer and let that behaviour be overridden with kwargs instead of relying on kwargs only.

I'd like to hear thoughts on this, it should be a small addition.

Steps to reproduce:

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@Mec-iS @chrizandr I'm a little confused about this as I couldn't get a clear picture of what exactly we want here.

It might be useful to have a separate datatype argument in docwriter while creating a new supportedProperty

Do you mean that we can have another datatype argument in HydraClassProp ? like :

HydraClassProp(prop_uri, prop_title, required=True, read=True, write=True, datatype="float")

and then use it to set range to xsd:float ?

I didnt understand the issue completely but I think we can leave this for later and go on with the content of the proposal for now.

Yes, that is what I meant @farazkhanfk7 .
Sorry if the wording has not made it clear.