
Improve a11y metric for captioned tables

tunetheweb opened this issue ยท 2 comments

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The Accessibility Chapter uses this custom metric code to find captioned table:

tables: captureAndLogError(() => {
const tables = document.querySelectorAll('table');
const tables_with_caption = document.querySelectorAll('table caption');
const tabels_with_presentational = document.querySelectorAll('table[role="presentation" i]');
return {
total: tables.length,
total_with_caption: tables_with_caption.length,
total_with_presentational: tabels_with_presentational.length,

However some sites (like the Web Almanac itself!) uses <figcaptions> which are a valid alternative. We should enhance this detection to capture this with the following code:

const tables_with_figcaption = document.querySelectorAll('figure:has(table):has(figcaption)');

I've tested this in Chrome 96 and it works! ๐Ÿ˜€
But not in WPT as not enabled by default until Chrome 105 - so can't add yet ๐Ÿ˜ž

Twitter thread:

Adding an issue to remind myself to add once :has() is fully rolled out in Chrome 105

FYI you can use the "Transfer issue" button to handle moving issues across repos
