
Bulk Download

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Should be able to zip all selected resumes into a .zip and offer it as a download.

For questions related to AWS auth for accessing resumes, hit up @ehsanmasdar.

RSLi commented

@ehsanmasdar I'm originally thinking about fetching the resumes from S3 into the backend and zip up everything in Go, but I saw your comment on the RAM usage issue.. So now I'm thinking about actually using AWS Presigned URL for bulk download also, by sending all the presigned URLs to the frontend and let the frontend download the resumes and handle the compression using JSZip. If the user simply wants to download everything we can then offer a "cached version" of the zip. Is there a better way to do this?

Streaming the resumes to a zip file on the backed then making that zip file available to the user is the best way to go. There could be scaling issues, but, with the client-side zipping, we run into a similar issue, and it's also much more visible to the user.