
Populate Winners Tab

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We want to be able to select and display winners within Ballot. This will make it easy to visualize winners for judging as well as make it easy to export winner information for sponsors to see and interact with.

For this task, we will populate a new tab titled "Winners" for this information. This tab is only be visible to Admins.

Display each Winner as a Card with the following information:

Title: Winner project Name


  • Prize Category name
  • Project Devpost
  • Each of the winners names and emails (John Doe - johndoe@gmail.com)

Additionally, within the Card's content, use a Tag to display the Rank of the Winner. Rank is an enum that represents what placing a winner got for their respective category. The values are FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, and GENERAL. Feel free to use colored tags (green for first place, etc).