
Copied content

0xdabbad00 opened this issue · 2 comments

There appear to be a number of pages of content which are directly copied from https://frichetten.com. Did you get permission to copy that content? This seems inappropriate to copy so much content directly like this.

For example, this page: https://cloud.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-cloud/aws-security/aws-post-exploitation/aws-ec2-ebs-ssm-and-vpc-post-exploitation/aws-ssm-post-exploitation

As it notes, it is just a copy of https://frichetten.com/blog/ssm-agent-tomfoolery/ but it is generally regarded as plagiarism to copy someone's content like that, even if you do cite the original work, especially when your site appears to be for commercial purposes.

Hi @0xdabbad00,
I appreciate your concern. This is a topic I discussed months ago with the author of such blog. As far as I know everything is OK from his side (at least I did the changes we talked about and notified him and I haven't had new comments from him).
If you know it's not, please, feel free to tell him that he can DM me in twitter whenever he wants and tell me his concerns.

In any case, I have modified that HackTricks blog post to explain the techniques with my own words instead of being copying them from the source. Hopefully this was something you were looking for.

Also, let me attach a link to the recently added HackTricks project values: https://book.hacktricks.xyz/welcome/hacktricks-values-and-faq