HackYourFuture Project-api

This is a HYF Project boilerplate for building a REST API. Let's refresh our minds on this. READ THIS SO POST

Getting started

Before getting started with this repo, read and repeat the "Getting started" part of the Angular WebApp Repo, and get ready to collaborate in your team

Step 1: Requirements

Make sure you have these 4 installed

Step 2: Install

Clone your copy of this repo as explained Angular WebApp Repo. Then:

// find where you cloned the repo
cd project-api/
npm install // Install NPM dependencies
sh database/create_database.sh // Install database

Step 3: Start the api

npm start

Step 4: Read essential docs of these software packages

  • node-db-migrate for managing the database structure using migrations
  • expressjs for routing
  • mysql2 for talking to MySQL with promise support
  • dotenv for saving passwords etc safely.

Nice to read but not required to work:

Step 5: Try it out (1): Create a MySQL schema

Try to make a new entity (e.g. "products") and its MySQL table

  • Go to package.json and checkout the scripts section. It contains a couple of commands that can execute node-db-migrate commands. The most essential ones are: node run migrate-up node run migrate-down node run create-migration {{migration-name}}
  • Check if the database is running. Try to connect to the database by running sh database/connect_database.sh If it doesn't work, rerun the sh database/create_database.sh script to start the db. To see if the mysql docker container is running you can type docker ps
  • To create a new table we run npm run create-migration products
  • Go to ./database/migrations/sqls/#####-products-up.sql
  • Write CREATE TABLE products command with some fields
  • DO NOT FORGET EVER, write the DOWN command by opening the ./database/migrations/sqls/#####-products-down.sql and writing DROP TABLE products. The down migration is always the command that undos the up command`
  • Save both migrations
  • Run npm run migrate-up
  • Unless you get errors, your table should be created!

Step 6: Try it out (2): Write a route

Try to make a new entity (e.g. "products") and its corresponding route

  • Create a file under ./lib/routers and call it products.js
  • Take a look at students.js or teachers.js. What the file does is: start a new express.Router() object, add some routes to it (e.g. router.get or router.post and then export that router). Do the same for products.js.
  • Add the file to the main express application in ./lib/app.js by requiring it and giving it a path. Under routers, we define the base path to which our products router will be added. Express will "merge" paths from the main router with the child products router.
  • Try it out! go to your new path in your browser or using curl -XGET 'localhost:3000/api/v1/products'

(Optional) Connect to MySQL DB from the CLI

// Shell:
sh database/connect_database.sh

// Once connected
USE hyf_db;