Advanced file names
jenyaza01 opened this issue · 3 comments
What about advanced naming files that you/we export, this include .midi, .wav and,maybe, files in your future projects
Under "advanced" i mean adding number, or date/time in file name, like "song_01.midi", "song_02.midi", or some "", or even "song-{random_integer}".
One inaccurate "m" press - and old file is lost under new file.
I had this very idea, it would be very easy to figure out where the "song" string is and change that to a "song_DD_mm_ss"
Would be very nice if this function gets its way into the program 👍
I did a pull request that contains a requirements.txt, documentation on how to run it and a migration to python3. I could easily add this as well. I am happy to get feedback from anybody who tries to run it.