
Idea: To put numbers on top of the sliders

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I downloaded your program and I really like it. I even shared it with my friends.
I would really like to be able not only to convert the tunes to wav or mp3, but to recreate them for future use.
My idea is to show/change the value of the sliders with a text label. This way, I can write down the values and use them later, or pass them to a friend, so that he can use them/play with them.
Maybe even copy the values as a text array to the clipboard, so that I can easily save them in a text file.

I think something like this:

The slider values are continuous floating point, not integers so it might be a little too crowded to display them like that. Maybe I can display a little tool-tip next to the slider you're dragging instead?

I can add an import/export option for a text file with the values. That wouldn't be hard. I'll do that soon when I have time.

Alright, I added the new features. Press 'S' to save the slider values to a file 'song.txt'. To load a file, use it as the command-line argument (or just drag it over the executable).

Adding slider text wasn't very useful. The tick marks are each 1 unit apart already so its pretty easy to just eyeball what the value is. For exact values, saving the sliders gives you that now.

Thank you very much!

I tested the new function and it works great!

I am thinking about you doing that to all the other neural networks.