The application functions with R, Rstudio and the Shiny package.
You can clone it and run it under most platforms (tested under Mac, Linux and Windows)
However, we encourage users to use it under the platform, where all utilities and functions will be systematically updated and maintained
SEPAL stands for : System for Earth observations, data access, Processing & Analysis for Land monitoring.
If you want access, you have to request here
You will then receive an email with a link to activate your access.
Remember to check in your SPAMS, it might be there.
Enter the platform @ and you will find the tools under PROCESS
The following programs are need for the application to run
R from
Rstudio from
For the first time you run the application, you have to install the Shiny package
Several packages are needed for the application to run, they will be downloaded if missing from your libraries (may take long the first time)
If running in Windows, Rtools from
Install Rtools to the C drive ('C:\Rtools')
You can clone the application and run it directly from your machine (one download)
It runs as any Shiny rstudio application
If you don't want to clone the application, you can run directly from the GITHUB
Only one application can run at a time
To stop the application just close the tab where the application is running
options(shiny.launch.browser = TRUE)
options(shiny.launch.browser = TRUE)
Remi d'Annunzio, Yelena Finegold, Antonia Ortmann, Erik Lindquist
Contact either : or
FAO declines all responsibility for errors or deficiencies in the database or software or in the documentation accompanying it, for program maintenance and upgrading as well as for any damage that may arise from them.
FAO also declines any responsibility for updating the data and assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions in the data provided. Users are, however, kindly asked to report any errors or deficiencies in this product to FAO.