
Chrome on Android returns a list of languages instead of a list of voices

HadrienGardeur opened this issue · 1 comments

In almost every browser, getVoices() returns a full list of voices available to the user.

On Chrome for Android (and its associated webview), that's unfortunately not the case. Instead of a list of voices, a list of all languages supported by the system is returned.

Because of this approach, users of Web apps are unable to select the voice that they prefer, they're limited to whatever has been set in their system settings which can be difficult to find.

To make things worse, it's also worth pointing out that these "voices" are all localized based on the current system language, which means that I'll need to document them as well.

I'm started to think that there are actually no "recommended voices" on Android, just whatever's available. Too bad that this isn't working more like Chrome OS where these individual Android voices are actually available and can be further documented.