
Not working with remote interpreter

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, thanks for the plugin!

Unfortunately there seem to be a little bug using it with remote, or at least "project interpreter" (which is a remote one). If I select this, and try to configure the path, the "local" settings just get multiplied.


Same here on Windows. I am using vagrant box (Linux) and selecting the "Remote Interpreter" dropdown item does not trigger any functionality, so that i can pick a interpreter or something. The error message below, that there has no executable been selected, is still there. And yeah, the Local thingy multiplie.

I tried it using the workaround from https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-36122#focus=streamItem-27-3194637.0-0 with PhpStorm 2020.1.1 and Plugin version 0.7.0.

I added phpstan/phpstan:0.12 as a docker based CLI interpreter. After doing this, I'm able to pick the newly created interpreter and add the configuration. Based on this Dockerfile, I changed volume and mapping to /app and set phpstan as the "PhpStan path" (validation succeeds - detects 0.12.25 atm).

After this, I enable PhpStan inspections but run into trouble here. Event log says:

    phpstan: Can not correctly run the tool with parameters:
    Possible tool process hangup after 5 sec.

I wonder where this /opt/phpstan_temp.tmp comes from? PhpStorm helper?

Sometimes I also get the following error:

    No response from phpstan after 5000 ms

Maybe it means the container is not running? I wonder how the CLI remote interpreter handling in PhpStorm works aka "when/how/by whom are the containers started".

For me it seems to be working now. So closing it.