
A Simple Goal Setter WebApp to demonstrate REST + JWT based auth implementation using MERN stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Exploring MERN Stack

[1] Learn The MERN Stack - Frontend Authentication | Redux Toolkit, Traversy Media YT Channel


Node v14 (recommend v14.18.2)


# run on /
npm install
# run on /frontend
cd frontend
npm install

Start backend server (express-mongo)

# run on /
npm run server

Start frontend server (react-redux)

# run on /
npm run client

Start both

# run on /
npm run dev

Deployment (Heroku)

  1. Create Heroku App
# install Heroku CLI (if not ready)
sudo snap install heroku --classic

# login to heroku account
heroku login

# create new heroku app
heroku create hagai-mernapp
  1. On the Heroku Page set env variable on the Settings/Config Vars
  2. Link the code to the Heroku App
# the command can be seen in the page under the 'Deploy' section
heroku git:remote -a hagai-mernapp

# push the code
git push heroku main
  1. The Deployment is finished
# to get the link of the app
heroku open