
Crash in BPrivate::OutlineView::FindParent

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Don't know how to reproduce this one. Could it be a bug in Haiku Interface Kit?

Debug information for team /boot/system/apps/Slayer (27696):
CPU(s): 4x Intel Core™ i5-7200U
Memory: 2.00 GiB total, 614.55 MiB used
Haiku revision: hrev52745 Jan 10 2019 21:15:50 (x86_64)

Active Threads:
	thread 27696: Slayer (main)
	thread 27704: w>Slayer 
	thread 30471: team 27696 debug task 
	thread 27703: RefreshTeams 
		state: Exception (General protection fault)

		Frame		IP			Function Name
		0x7ffeb6ff39e0	0x1af85b7c659	BPrivate::OutlineView::FindParent(BRow*, BRow**, bool*) + 0x49 
				BPrivate::OutlineView::FindParent(BRow*, BRow**, bool*):
				0x000001af85b7c610:               55  push %rbp
				0x000001af85b7c611:           4885f6  test %rsi, %rsi
				0x000001af85b7c614:           4889e5  mov %rsp, %rbp
				0x000001af85b7c617:             744f  jz 0x85b7c668
				0x000001af85b7c619:           4885d2  test %rdx, %rdx
				0x000001af85b7c61c:             744a  jz 0x85b7c668
				0x000001af85b7c61e:         488b4650  mov 0x50(%rsi), %rax
				0x000001af85b7c622:           4885c9  test %rcx, %rcx
				0x000001af85b7c625:           488902  mov %rax, (%rdx)
				0x000001af85b7c628:             7419  jz 0x85b7c643
				0x000001af85b7c62a:           c60101  mov $0x1, (%rcx)
				0x000001af85b7c62d:         488b4650  mov 0x50(%rsi), %rax
				0x000001af85b7c631:           4885c0  test %rax, %rax
				0x000001af85b7c634:             7523  jnz 0x85b7c659
				0x000001af85b7c636: 662e0f1f84000000  o16 nop %cs:(%rax,%rax)
				0x000001af85b7c640:           488b02  mov (%rdx), %rax
				0x000001af85b7c643:           4885c0  test %rax, %rax
				0x000001af85b7c646:           0f95c0  setnz %al
				0x000001af85b7c649:               5d  pop %rbp
				0x000001af85b7c64a:               c3  ret 
				0x000001af85b7c64b:       0f1f440000  nop (%rax,%rax)
				0x000001af85b7c650:         488b4050  mov 0x50(%rax), %rax
				0x000001af85b7c654:           4885c0  test %rax, %rax
				0x000001af85b7c657:             74e7  jz 0x85b7c640
				0x000001af85b7c659:         80783800  cmp $0x0, 0x38(%rax) <--

			Frame memory:
				[0x7ffeb6ff39d0]  `z......I.......   60 7a ff b6 fe 7f 00 00 49 03 b8 85 af 01 00 00
		0x7ffeb6ff7a70	0x1af85b80344	_ZN8BPrivate11OutlineView9RemoveRowEP4BRow.part.21.constprop.71 + 0x24 
		0x7ffeb6ff7a90	0x1af85b80823	BColumnListView::RemoveRow(BRow*) + 0x13 
		0x7ffeb6ff7ac0	0x1af85b734da	MainWindow::RemoveProcessItems(BList*) + 0x3a 
		0x7ffeb6ff7d40	0x1af85b73bc0	MainWindow::UpdateTeams() + 0x5a0 
		0x7ffeb6ff7d70	0x1af85b76574	RefreshThread::DoWork() + 0x44 
		0x7ffeb6ff7d90	0x1af85b765d9	RefreshThread::thread_func(void*) + 0x19 
		0x7ffeb6ff7db0	0x1b1960125a7	thread_entry + 0x17 
		00000000	0x7fffe5dcd260	commpage_thread_exit + 0 

Fixed in 55b95ae.