
Played with the badge a bit

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Found out that using that library makes the tft display ~20 times faster (maybe more in some cases). Boot time including wifi connection is <1s: https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI

Did you had people interested in experimenting with the badge? Would having some examples (I'm toying with wifi and bluetooth for now) be useful for them?

So you are saying that using the TFT_eSPI library is ~20 times faster than the Adafruit GFX library?

Some people at the event were toying with the badge. That's the beauty of an open platform. I'm hoping to hear from more people about their experiments.

Anything educational is always encouraged. So if you want to create a fork and provide your samples there, that would be cool.


Looks like it if not much faster. Filling the screen really feels instantaneous. I've seen reports on a ESP8266 that says 7 fold for a specific project (https://hackaday.com/2017/04/08/everyone-loves-faster-esp8266-tft-libs/). I guess I could just run the benchmark code and see. I'll keep you updated.

Ok, I'll fork and make some pull requests.

Awesome! Really appreciate your help here. I'm working on some new code and this will add to the badge appeal.

Will try out the new lib this weekend.

So you know, the TFT_eSPI library was used in the DEF CON version of the firmware and it was ridiculously faster.


Thanks for pointing me to that library!
