
Extract account balance information from ASB Online Banking

Primary LanguageRuby


This thing will log into your online banking and scrape an account balance


git clone git@github.com:HakLand/ASB_scraper_bot.git

cd ASB_scraper_bot

gem install bundler


In a browser, right click on the balance HTML element of the account you're interested in in dev tools and 'copy css selector'. Paste this in line 32 of scrape.rb.

Optionally setup a Slack webhook integration so it can post to your channel.


ASBUSERNAME=username ASBPASSWORD='password' ruby scrape.rb

Post to webhook (Slack?)

Add in WEBHOOK to your environment variables

ASBUSERNAME=username ASBPASSWORD='password' WEBHOOK=https://hooks.slack.com/services/blahblah ruby scraper.rb

Run once a week with CRON and rvm

Install rvm


rvm use ruby-2.3.3
rvm cron setup
crontab -e

32      3     *     *     6         ASBUSERNAME=username ASBPASSWORD='password' WEBHOOK=https://hooks.slack.com/services/blahblah ruby /home/users/someone/path_to_scraper/scraper.rb