Offer Xidi for XInput->DirectInput fixes
BinToss opened this issue · 0 comments
Ideally, players should be able to do the following with any controller—not just those which predate Windows Vista. This is not the case when using an XInput controller e.g. anything made during or after the Xbox 360 era.
Xidi solves this by replacing Windows' built-in XInput-DInput wrapper when loaded into an application. It provides multiple control scheme presets and even allows custom mappings.
Linux Compatibility
Wine's input wrapper behaves the same as Microsoft's XI->DI wrapper. Very disappointing.
JediMasterChief found that this can be remedied via Steam Input
I can look into it. I have a 360 controller I can test with.
My Dualsense worked out of the box, though its triggers had a similar issue. I was able to work around it by adding the exe to Steam as a non-Steam game and using Steam Input to change the triggers to the Start and Back buttons. It still runs through wine, since I did not force it to use Proton.
I guess that works for Linux players, but a more universal solution would be preferable.