
high performance .NET driver for Apache Cassandra

Primary LanguageC#

cassandra-sharp - high performance .NET driver for Apache Cassandra

The philosophy of cassandra-sharp is to be really simple and fast: no Linq provider, no complex API. Just CQL, simple object mapping and great performance :)

Starting from version 2, only CQL 3 binary protocol is supported and as a consequence, Cassandra 1.2+ is required. Also, only .NET 4.0+ is supported. If you are looking for a Thrift compatible driver, or have to use Cassandra 1.0/1.1 or require .NET 3.5 support, please consider using version 0.6.4 of cassandra-sharp.

cassandra-sharp supports async operations exposed as Rx subscriptions or TPL tasks. Efficient memory usage can be achieve using the push model of Rx.

A command line tool is also available (cqlplus) to access a Cassandra cluster. It's also a great tool to understand what's happening under the cover.


  • async operations (TPL tasks / Rx subscriptions)
  • Rx interface (IObservable / IObserver) for result streaming
  • TPL Task (compatible with C# 5 async) for future operations
  • Linq friendly
  • extensible rowset mapping (poco and map provided out of the box)
  • blazing fast object marshaler (dynamic gen'ed code)
  • robust connection handling (connection recovery supported)
  • ability to understand performance issues (client and server side)
  • multiple extension points
  • command line tool (cqlplus)
  • .NET 4.0+ support

Getting binaries

Binaries are available through NuGet : http://www.nuget.org/packages/cassandra-sharp

Zip archive are also available at Google Code (since GitHub removed binaries uploads) : http://code.google.com/p/cassandra-sharp/downloads/list

How to build

To build cassandra-sharp, load cassandra-sharp.sln in Visual Studio 2012. To build from command line and to regenerate thrift proxy, use Build.cmd.

Sample configuration

	<section name="CassandraSharp" type="CassandraSharp.SectionHandler, CassandraSharp.Interfaces" />

	<Cluster name="TestCassandra">

Sample client

public class SchemaKeyspaces
    public bool DurableWrites { get; set; }

    public string KeyspaceName { get; set; }

    public string StrategyClass { get; set; }

    public string StrategyOptions { get; set; }

public static class Sample
    private static void DisplayKeyspace(SchemaKeyspaces ks)
        Console.WriteLine("DurableWrites={0} KeyspaceName={1} strategy_Class={2} strategy_options={3}",

    public static async Task QueryKeyspaces()
        using (ICluster cluster = ClusterManager.GetCluster("TestCassandra"))
            var cmd = cluster.CreatePocoCommand();

            const string cqlKeyspaces = "SELECT * from system.schema_keyspaces";

            // async operation with streaming

            // future
            var kss = await cmd.Execute<SchemaKeyspaces>(cqlKeyspaces).AsFuture();
            foreach (var ks in kss)



JetBrains provided a free licence of Resharper for the cassandra-sharp project. Big thanks for the awesome product.

This projects also relies on the following third parties:

githalytics.com alpha