
analysis tasks that we collected!

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  • check the number of equiv and subs in track tasks!
  • Check the ontologies in the track tasks which have descriptions!
  • Check the number of subclass in track tasks
  • Check the number of ancestors in track tasks

Dear @jd-coderepos, the statistics for the above analysis are in the following pdf report: statistics.pdf

  • change subclasses into childerens
  • change ancesters into parents
  • check length of the longest comment (number of comments and comment length)

lenght of the longest comment:

Working on anatomy/mouse-human: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:1,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 150
Working on food/ciqual-siren: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on biodiv/envo-sweet: # of CMNT: Source: 2, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 417, Target 0
Working on biodiv/fish-zooplankton: # of CMNT: Source: 3, Target:2,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 59, Target 51
Working on biodiv/macroalgae-macrozoobenthos: # of CMNT: Source: 2, Target:2,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 62, Target 28
Working on biodiv/taxrefldBacteria-ncbitaxonBacteria: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on biodiv/taxrefldChromista-ncbitaxonChromista: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on biodiv/taxrefldFungi-ncbitaxonFungi: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on biodiv/taxrefldPlantae-ncbitaxonPlantae: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on biodiv/taxrefldProtozoa-ncbitaxonProtozoa: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on phenotype/doid-ordo: # of CMNT: Source: 1, Target:2,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 51, Target 163
Working on phenotype/hp-mp: # of CMNT: Source: 1, Target:1,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 224, Target 228
Working on commonkg/nell-dbpedia: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on commonkg/yago-wikidata: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on bio-ml/ncit-doid.disease: # of CMNT: Source: 1, Target:1,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 3, Target 39
Working on bio-ml/omim-ordo.disease: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on bio-ml/snomed-fma.body: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:1,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 93
Working on bio-ml/snomed-ncit.neoplas: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on bio-ml/snomed-ncit.pharm: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:0,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 0
Working on bio-llm/snomed-fma.body: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:1,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 93
Working on bio-llm/ncit-doid.disease: # of CMNT: Source: 1, Target:1,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 3, Target 39
Working on mse/MaterialInformation-EMMO: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:14,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 658
Working on mse/MaterialInformation-MatOnto: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:1,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 10
Working on mse/MaterialInformationReduced-MatOnto: # of CMNT: Source: 0, Target:1,    # of WORDS in CMNT: Source 0, Target 10

this task has been addressed so far, I will close it!