Creating a new toolkit for people who are using fpga.
- python 2.7
- tensorflow 1.10.0
- keras(2.2)
- numpy
git clone ""
in ML-acceleration/config.json file, change the value of various keys.
"model": "vgg19",
"extract_configs": "False",
"model_info": "./model_info/vgg19_test.csv",
"sw_test": "False",
"vivado_test": "True",
"use_trained_weight": "False",
"data_type": "int",
"random_range": "5",
"batch": "False",
"weight_file_path": "./variables/init_weight.bin",
"input_file_path": "./variables/init_input.bin",
"trained_weight_file_path": "./variables/vgg19_weights.bin",
"image_file_path": "./variables/image.bin",
"output_path": "./output/",
"template_path": "src/model/template/"
- model : name of the model(network) (ex.vgg19, resnet50)
- extract_configs : if you don't have layer information of the model(True, False)
- model_info : location of layer information (ex."./model_info/vgg19.csv")
- sw_test : keras and c code test(True/False)
- vivado_test : generate code for Vivado HLS (True/False)
- use_trained_weight : if you don't need variable generator (True/False)
- data_type : data type (int, unsinged int, float, ap_uint<16>)
- random_range : number of range that will be used to variable generator (ex. 5 means input.bin, weight.bin files consist of value between 1 to 5)
- batch : batch layer or not (True/False)
- weight_file_path : location of weight file ("./variables/init_weight.bin")
- input_file_path : location of input file ("./variables/init_input.bin")
- trained_weight_file_path : location of trained weight file ("./variables/vgg19_weights.bin")
- image_file_path : location of image input file ("./variables/image.bin.bin")
- output_path : output path ("./output/")
- template_path : template path ("src/model/template/")
The following options can be combined at the same time.
- Extract layer information
"extract_configs": "True"
- Generate random variables
"use_trained_weight": "False"
- Run sw test (keras and C verifier)
"sw_test": "True"
- Generate hw optimized code for Vivado HLS
"vivado_test": "True"
- Skip Batch layer
"batch": "False"
in ML-acceleration folder, use the command below to run script file.
in file,
script file '' will run file.
- add new models(architecture)
- apply quantization/weight prunning